Sunday, September 25, 2011

kitchenden's Chicken a la King

The  blend of color and texture of this easy-to-make dish
makes it a delight to the sight
and with this kitchenden version of chicken ala king,
 its even more mouth-watering.
Enjoy ☺

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Grilled Balsamic Chicken

I actually saw this recipe from one of my recipe collections.
I wasn't really sure how it will turn out at first,
but I wanna try something different for my grilled chicken.
And, it worked!
I just love the vinegar-y taste of the grilled chicken.
Truly, it was something different for my taste ☺

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Korean Chicken Barbecue with Bean Sprouts

The original recipe calls for stir-fry,
but today my Hubby wants barbecue...
So I added my own personal touch to make this 
the kitchenden version of Korean Chicken. 
My Hubby totally liked it...
the new addition to his "favorite menu" list.
Hope it'll be yours too. 
Enjoy! ☺

Thursday, September 01, 2011

Beef in Cream Sauce

This is one of my favorite beef dishes.
It's so  easy to make and it's oozing with flavor.
Try it now ☺