Saturday, February 05, 2011

Fresh Fruit Salad

Healthy Habit #2: Eat five servings of fruit a day.

You will need:

500g Strawberries, (rinsed, hulled, and sliced)
6 Peaches, (pitted, peeled and chopped)
3 Bananas, (peeled)
250g seedless Green Grapes
250g seedless Red Grapes
½ cup Sugar, or less (to taste)


½ cup Pineapple Juice
Juice of 1 Lime
1 teaspoon ground Ginger


- Combine all fruits in a large serving bowl. Sprinkle with sugar; Toss gently.

- Whisk together all the ingredients for the dressing, and pour the mixture over fruits. Toss gently. Mix well.

- Cover and chill the Fruit Salad before serving.

* makes about 10-12 servings.

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